Happy Halloween!

Mon Oct 31, 2022

Happy Halloween!!

The word "Halloween" comes from All Hallows' Eve and means "hallowed evening."

The history of Halloween dates back to a pagan festival called Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.

Hundreds of years ago, people dressed up as saints and went door-to-door, which is the origin of Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating.

If you want to learn more, including 10 Haunting Facts about Halloween, click here :)

As the holiday has morphed into kids - and parents - trick-or-treating in their neighborhood or at special Halloween events - we can joke around about skeletons, witches, jack o' lantern pumpkins with their grinning faces - we can have fun or get scared at haunted houses and scary movies - if you like that kind of thing :)

But Halloween is not complete unless you tell some Halloween jokes -
Why couldn't the skeleton cross the road?-- He didn't have the guts!
What's a ghost's favorite dessert? I-Scream!
Where does a mummy go on vacation? The Dead Sea. :)
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite. :)
What's the problem with twin witches? You never know which witch is which. :)

Laurel Archer
A North Carolina-based teacher and lover of language and reading. She loves to find fun ways to teach English and connect with people all over the world.