Summer Vacation!

Mon Aug 15, 2022

What do YOU do on vacation?

My husband and I like to go to the beach or the coast to enjoy the tropical weather and waves.

This summer we decided to go to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. It's a 5 hour drive from our home in Raleigh, NC and it's almost like Florida with the palm trees and beautiful sandy beaches.

The added benefit is that it has an old lighthouse that has a lot of history and we went to that to see what we could learn and discover about it. This island was developed by some rich families over 100 years ago and that is why it's a great place to visit today - quiet and quaint, not as loud & full of tourists as other beaches are in our area :)

And of course, we like to play music together. This was a perfect place to play since it was beautiful weather and we had a nice patio to play on :)

If you like our singing, then why not learn English through music?

I have a new online course that I am starting called "Learn English Through Music" and it's part of the membership on my website.

Check out the details below and join! :)

Laurel Archer
A North Carolina-based teacher and lover of language and reading. She loves to find fun ways to teach English and connect with people all over the world.